Nokiss her first date

nokissherfirstdate-Nokiss her first date

nokissherfirstdate-Nokiss her first date If you have ever been on a first date, you have probably had an awful kiss moment. If a man takes you on a date there is a 90% chance he wants to kiss you. He is only waiting and really just paying his taxes until you give him the sign that he has: spent enough money, told enough good stories, spent enough time with you.

What you need to know is that men cannot read your signals .nokissherfirstdate-Nokiss her firsr date

I know that it’s hard to believe but all of those subtle little signals you are sending out are only understandable to other women. I have stood next to a student while a woman kept leaning in closer and closer to his mouth and he didn’t realize what was happening. She would close her eyes, tilt her head and lean in toward his mouth. I had to sneak up behind him and tell him that I would punch him in the kidney if he didn’t kiss her.

The worst thing that can happen on a first date is the awkward front door moment. I spend so much time teaching my male students how to avoid it, but it always amazes me how many women will actively create this socially awkward moment.

The earlier you kiss on a date the better. nokissherfirstdate-Nokiss her firsr date

Please have the courtesy to remove the elephant in the room.
He is only pretending to listen to your story about your sister’s new job. All he’s thinking about is that moment. Is she going to kiss me? Is she not going to kiss me? Am I wasting my time?

If you ever wonder why men don’t remember anything you say on a first date, that’s why. It’s a constant track running through the backs of their minds.

I am going to teach you a kissing technique that has been passed down from male dating coach to male dating coach for generations. This is the first kissing move I ever tried, and it worked great.
Just say to him, “Do you want to kiss me?”

Now I know that sounds scary, but don’t worry. There is an escape hatch. YES – “Then what are you waiting for?” and kiss.

MAYBE, “Let’s find out,” and the ball is in his court. nokissherfirstdate-Nokiss her firsr date

By moving the kiss forward in the date you avoid creating an awkward situation that actually makes you no longer attracted to a man. If you have that front door moment, there is just too much pressure.